Digital transformations for gender equality

Digital transformations for gender equality

This article has been authored by Namita Wadhwa, Vice President, Social and Economic Empowerment practice, IPE Global. Recent global studies on digital equality highlight that digital transformation’s benefits across high, low and middle-income countries are not reaching most women.(Getty Images/iStockphoto) What is common between a digital weighing machine, a Poshan Champion mobile application, the digitisation of the Adolescent Health curriculum for E-Kaksha and empowering girls who have dropped out of school through skills that get them market competitive employment opportunities? In projects across Rajasthan, innovation and technology have made gradual yet steady inroads to set up a roadmap that may strengthen the foundations for gender equality. Recent global studies on digital equality highlight that digital transformation’s benefits across high, low and middle-income countries are not reaching most women. In India, too, despite several important initiatives, a significant digital gender gap remains. The Digital Divide India Inequality Report 2022 also highlights a massive gap between how women and men in India use mobiles and the internet. However, it may be argued that carefully thought through intervention with a focus on women as intended users or recipients of the benefit impacts the gender outcomes. When incentivised to complete their secondary education, […]

Navigating the paradigm shift: Digital transformation in the BFSI sector

Navigating the paradigm shift: Digital transformation in the BFSI sector

Sarbojit Mallick The Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) industry is valued at Rs. 81 trillion and will likely become the third-largest by 2025. It plays a significant role in encouraging economic progress with immense contributions to the country’s GDP. However, the onset of the pandemic has brought a paradigm shift in the way the BFSI sector provides services to its consumers. The accelerated digital adoption across the country resulted in the sector’s IT department spending extra hours on the seamless digitization of services. Even employees were also obliged to alter their daily routines to balance home and work on the fly. This shift to remote work culture opened a whole new world of opportunities for both firms and employees. With the rise of digital culture, the BFSI sector is highly focused on developing an innovative business model and a customer experience journey. Every firm is now embracing fintech tools for rapid transformation, and there is an emphasis in this fintech environment on bridging the skill gap and building an ecosystem driven by people’s capabilities. Digital transformation shaping hiring trends In the digital age, recruitment is oriented towards expertise to satisfy customers. Banks have implemented digital platforms in seamless […]

Digital transformations require empathy

Digital transformations require empathy

Digital transformations often leave employees feeling overwhelmed, but strong people skills can support team members. To learn more about this book, click the book cover. Agility, experimentation and empathy are key to successful digital transformations, says Isaac Sacolick, president of StarCIO, in his book Digital Trailblazer: Essential Lessons to Jumpstart Transformation and Accelerate Your Technology Leadership . And leaders who develop these people skills have the upper hand. Digital transformation initiatives require a balance between discipline and innovation. To cultivate the latter, IT leaders should encourage employees to build time into their schedules to experiment. That experimentation is key to gaining valuable insights that can lead to success. Here, Sacolick offers tips on how to support agility with feedback, encourage experimentation and build empathy. How can IT leaders ensure their digital transformation strategies are agile ? Isaac Sacolick: It starts with communications and making sure your team, your stakeholders — people who are funding what you’re working on — understand what your objective is. I think a lot in terms of the terminology we use for software. I think about putting something out as quickly as I can so that I can get feedback. Feedback gives me the room […]