Correspondent WARSAW – He’s a banker. He’s also an entrepreneur, and the son of entrepreneurs. “Growing up,” recalled Adam Fischer, “I always figured I’d be some sort of business owner because I grew up in a family of business owners. My father’s side of the family owns Fischer Funeral Home, and my mother has owned her hair salon since 1990. Our family never really had 9 to 5 jobs and that’s all I ever knew. “I’m a financial adviser for JP Morgan and the senior vice president at the Coshocton Chase Bank,” he added. “I’ve been in financial services for 15 years and I love what I do every day. But during the pandemic, our bank was shut down. I was looking to start an essential business and that’s when I realized dumpster rentals was an underserved market in the area.” Today, Fischer owns Ohio Dumpster Rentals. “I started Ohio Dumpster Rentals in June of 2020,” he said, “after the realization that our area needed a local dumpster rental company. There aren’t any local dumpster rental companies, so it was hard to get a dumpster to our area. I knew I could rent dumpsters locally and more competitively.” Fischer, […]
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