Rick Simons of Coventry, who owns Shoreline Diving, finds that his job takes him “into the pipe,” sometimes into sewers. He is featured on the Discovery Channel’s new series, “Sewer Divers.” COVENTRY — For most people the idea of traveling up a city’s sewer system would sound like a foul, disgusting experience, but for Rick Simon, it’s just another day at the office. Who he is: Owner of Shoreline Diving in Coventry, a commercial diving company. Latest accomplishment: Featured on Discovery Channel’s “Sewer Divers.” Quote: “People just don’t think about what they put down the storm drain.” Simon’s business is Shoreline Diving, a locally-based business that does much of its work either doing salvage work offshore, or sewer maintenance in major cities throughout the state, a task that is now being featured in a new series on Discovery Channel called “Sewer Divers.” Originally from Manchester, Simon lives in Coventry where he keeps the home office of his business. “I grew up in the dive industry, so it’s kind of all I’ve known,” he said. “My father was a commercial diver, so it’s what I know. You do what you’re good at. So I’m very lucky that I get to […]
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