getty Talk to anyone about your work as a marketing professional and the conversation will likely steer toward traditional and digital advertising: TV, radio, print, direct mail, banner ads, streaming audio and video, native content, paid search and social media. No surprises here. These are, after all, the marketing assets with which they interact on a daily basis. These assets are also what we as marketers pour our time, energy and resources into producing. But marketing goes far beyond the ads served while streaming a show, flipping through a magazine or scrolling social media feeds. And chances are you’re missing opportunities to introduce and reinforce your brand. What Opportunities Exist Beyond Advertising? Here are six unique ways to reach prospects and customers with your brand narrative outside of the more obvious advertising channels: 1. Website Sure, your website is one of the most valuable pieces of real estate you own. But when was the last time you audited your website or overhauled it? A website’s design and content should reinforce your brand identity and provide a consistent, outstanding experience for first-time visitors and repeat customers alike. Drive traffic to relevant landing pages and maintain a high degree of cohesiveness […]