Jen Kirk serves as the Chief of Staff of Revalize , a leading software provider building the future of manufacturing technology. getty As humans, we crave connection. When we are isolated or when our social bonds are threatened, we suffer. We instinctively know we are in trouble in relationships when we aren’t “talking” to each other. Similarly, in a world where everything is enabled by information, disconnected data is a death knell to any business or organization. Recognizing all the digital signals and making sense of them gives leaders the advantage of anticipating their biggest challenges and responding to them in real time. However, to make the most of this data, businesses must eliminate the noise, identify the most important pieces and deliver that information to the people who will act on it to make a difference. This process requires fast, easy and efficient access to relevant information. Through enhanced data flow, a business can capture valuable insights to inspire the next generation of unique products and services. In turn, these innovations can generate new revenue streams and support growth within the economy. Companies can revolutionize the way they connect with customers and the market, allowing them the speed, […]