Wendy’s QSCC partners with Palantir to digitalise supply chain and implement AI

Wendy’s QSCC partners with Palantir to digitalise supply chain and implement AI

Wendy’s restaurants are no strangers to AI. Credit: Brookgardener via Shutterstock. Wendy’s Quality Supply Chain Co-op (QSCC) has partnered with Palantir Technologies to enhance its digital transformation and adopt AI for operational decision-making. The collaboration will focus on creating an integrated supply chain network, automating workflows, and establishing a connected ecosystem involving suppliers, distributors, and restaurants. The initial phase of this digital transformation will see QSCC adopting Palantir’s Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP). This move is expected to improve the scale and speed of decision-making by integrating various data sources. QSCC president and CEO Pete Suerken said: “Together with Palantir, we’re unlocking the inherent power of the supply chain ecosystem to drive new and compelling sales and operating efficiencies that will provide Wendy’s with a distinctive edge in the industry. “The sophisticated and nimble AI-powered planning and fulfilment system we’re developing will serve as the cornerstone for our state-of-the-art interconnected network.” See Also: First Watch Restaurant Group reports $8.9m net income in Q2 2024 Bacha Coffee opens first South Korean store in Seoul The platform’s capabilities will be pivotal in streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency within the company’s operations, Palantir Technologies claims. Following the integration of Palantir AIP, the second […]

Combining digital and legacy technologies: firm digital transformation strategies—evidence from Chinese manufacturing companies

Combining digital and legacy technologies: firm digital transformation strategies—evidence from Chinese manufacturing companies

Article Open access Hongfang Cui Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 , Article number: 1021 (2024) Cite this article Metrics Abstract The digital transformation of firms is a pervasive trend within the digital-based economy. Despite its inevitability, there is a continuing debate regarding the most effective methods for implementing such transformations. This study delineates four digital technology strategies—searching, enhancing, grafting, and integrating—within the theoretical framework that digital technology can strengthen an enterprise’s existing legacy technology. Using fuzzy qualitative comparative analysis, this study examines 76 Chinese high-tech manufacturing companies to uncover the configuration effects of technology distance, the type of technical search, and leadership perceptions on the adoption of these strategies. The empirical results reveal that the searching strategy is commonly employed in scenarios involving general technology, search breadth, and the perceived usefulness of the technology. The enhancing strategy is typically adopted when companies engage in extensive searches and perceive digital technology as easy to use. Moreover, the grafting strategy has emerged as the natural choice when there is a deep search for specific technologies coupled with a recognition of their usefulness. The integrating strategy becomes prominent when a company identifies a specific technology through both search breadth and search […]

Boldyn Networks Revolutionises Spain’s Digital Transformation

Boldyn Networks Revolutionises Spain’s Digital Transformation

Image Credit: sasha85ru/Bigstockphoto.com Boldyn Networks (Boldyn), one of the world’s largest providers of shared network infrastructure and Europe’s leading private networks provider with more than 60 deployments, is revolutionising Spain’s digital transformation. Majority owned by CPP Investments, Boldyn Networks brings a wealth of expertise in advanced connectivity with a single purpose: to unlock the power of an interconnected future. With a presence in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Italy, France and Hong Kong, Boldyn’s investment in Spain is part of its European expansion plan. The company designs, operates, maintains and finances its networks to support the digital transformation of all its customers. It has unique expertise in connecting highly complex places like port hubs and heavy industry sites with state-of-the-art technology, including private 5G networks, fibre, DAS, small cells and beyond. Commitment to the Spanish market Boldyn Networks has already deployed the first private 5G network in the chemical industry in Spain. Specifically, at the BASF facilities in Tarragona, to improve connectivity, process optimisation and traffic throughout the 100-hectare plant. For David de Celis, Country Manager for Spain at Boldyn Networks, ‘Spain is a very important country in our strategic plan to offer cutting-edge connectivity solutions […]

How Tеchnology is Shaping thе Modеrn Businеss Landscape

How Tеchnology is Shaping thе Modеrn Businеss Landscape

How-Tеchnology-is-Shaping-thе-Modеrn-Businеss-Landscape (Source-Pexels.com) How-Tеchnology-is-Shaping-thе-Modеrn-Businеss-Landscape (Source-Pexels.com) In today’s fast-pacеd world, tеchnology is not just an еnablеr; it is a driving forcе bеhind thе еvolution аnd succеss of businеssеs across thе globе. From small startups to multinational corporations, thе impact of tеchnology is profound and far-rеaching. Here’s a look at how technology is shaping the modern business landscape. Digital Transformation Digital transformation is morе than a buzzword; it rеprеsеnts a fundamеntal shift in how businеssеs opеratе and dеlivеr valuе to customеrs. It involves integrating digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in significant changes in how businesses function. Industriеs from rеtail to hеalthcarе arе undеrgoing digital transformations to improvе еfficiеncy, еnhancе customеr еxpеriеncе, and gain a compеtitivе еdgе. For instancе, companiеs arе using advancеd softwarе solutions to strеamlinе opеrations and using digital platforms to rеach a broadеr audiеncе. Rеmotе Work and Collaboration Tools Tеchnology has madе it possiblе for еmployееs to work from anywhеrе, lеading to incrеasеd flеxibility and work-lifе balancе. Collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams have become essential for maintaining communication and productivity in a distributed workforce. Thеsе tools facilitatе rеal-timе collaboration, filе sharing, and virtual mееtings, еnsuring businеss continuity and fostеring tеamwork. As remote work […]

Standard Chartered backs digital transformation fintech platform United Fintech.

Standard Chartered backs digital transformation fintech platform United Fintech.

United Fintech , a London-headquartered neutral Digital Transformation platform has received debt financing from International Banking Group Standard Chartered . United Fintech acquires and forms partnerships with fintech companies in the capital markets space. This creates a fintech one-stop shop to innovate with businesses through collaboration with other cutting-edge technology providers for the benefit of banks, hedge funds, and asset managers. Christian Frahm, CEO and Founder of United Fintech, said: "The investment underscores Standard Chartered’s commitment to accelerate digital transformation and highlights their forward-thinking approach to collaborative innovation. As an Asia-focused multinational bank with an expansive footprint in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe and Americas, we are thrilled to have them complete our circle of global investors, joining Citi and BNP Paribas, who initially invested in February 2024, as well as Danske Bank, who followed in May.” Geoff Kot, Global Head, CIB Business Platforms & Partnerships at Standard Chartered, said: “We have been impressed by the growth in United Fintech’s portfolio of innovative, engineering-led technology companies and share their vision for how technology can transform and disrupt market structure and infrastructure.” As part of the investment, Standard Chartered has been granted Board observer rights and, subject to fulfilment of […]

Digital Transformation Can Improve Safety Culture, Mitigate Fire Risk

Digital Transformation Can Improve Safety Culture, Mitigate Fire Risk

Digital transformation significantly enhances safety culture and fire risk mitigation by integrating advanced digital solutions into safety management systems. Last year saw over 988 million acres of land destroyed by wildfires worldwide. The catastrophic loss of life and the financial toll—running into billions—underscore the urgency of mitigating such risks. Digital transformation, however, can make significant strides in reducing power outages and preventing bushfires caused by trees and other vegetation contacting power lines. When embarking on a comprehensive revision of a safety management system, the goal should be to foster a culture where people work safely because they genuinely see the value in doing so, not because a rule or procedure mandates it. This approach incorporates the three principles of what is termed “safety differently”: People are the solution, not a problem to control. Safety is an ethical responsibility, not a bureaucratic accountability. Safety is the presence of positive capacities, not the absence of negative events. Driving these objectives requires recognizing the need for better lead indicators and credible data. Paper-based systems, while comprehensive, can be difficult to manage as the business expands, but a digital solution allows the tailoring of content to suit specific risk management and business objectives, […]

Digital transformation for small businesses in 2024

Digital transformation for small businesses in 2024

(Image credit: Getty Images) Digital transformation for small businesses can be a hugely beneficial process, giving any firm the foothold it needs to establish itself in the market. But that first step up can be the most difficult. A lot of the guidance and advice relating to digital transformation comes with baked-in expectations, including two that are fundamental: that the business interested in what’s on offer understands where and how digital transformation can provide the greatest advantage, and that the business has in-house technical experts who are able to oversee, monitor and work on any digital transformation project. These are bold assumptions when you consider that smaller businesses, comprising anything from a handful to a hundred or so staff, may not have any technology-specific people on the payroll or specific tech expertise on the board. What is such a business to do? Scoping a project without in-house expertise The first thing for any small business leader to do when seeking out a digital transformation project is to recognize what the precise needs of their business are. Some key operational signs will become apparent, as Ham Patel, COO EMEA at Oracle NetSuite, explains. Patel suggests three clear signs that a […]

Four generative AI use cases for businesses

Four generative AI use cases for businesses

Companies are supercharging productivity and efficiency with AI-powered tools like virtual assistants, intelligent search and content summarization. Credit: iStock As business leaders look to harness AI to meet business needs, generative AI has become an invaluable tool to gain a competitive edge. This breakthrough technology can comprehend and communicate in natural language, aiding the creation of personalized customer interactions and immersive virtual experiences while supplementing employee capabilities. What sets generative AI apart from traditional AI is not just the ability to generate new data from existing patterns. With generative AI businesses can now boost productivity and reduce costs, fundamentally changing how they work. Here’s how four generative AI use cases are changing the business landscape: Virtual Assistants Companies are turning to AI-powered tools like chatbots, copilots, or virtual assistants to improve productivity and customer experiences. These tools integrate generative AI with a company’s own data for precise responses, allowing the creation of customized virtual assistants that can handle interactive conversations. Internally, these assistants complement and even empower employees by automating tasks and providing insights, which frees up time for more strategic work. Externally, they improve customer interactions by quickly understanding and responding to queries through simple conversational prompts. For […]

Deloitte India Survey unveils India Inc.’s top tech priorities for 2024: Businesses focus on cybersecurity, cloud and AI for digital transformation

Deloitte India Survey unveils India Inc.’s top tech priorities for 2024: Businesses focus on cybersecurity, cloud and AI for digital transformation

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Five generative AI tips for every business leader

Five generative AI tips for every business leader

Generative AI is here to stay. Adhering to these five key points can ensure businesses keep pace and capitalize on the benefits of this revolution. Credit: NVIDIA Generative AI gives organizations the unique ability to glean fresh insights from existing data and produce results that go beyond the original input. Companies eager to harness these benefits can leverage ready-made, budget-friendly models and customize them with proprietary business data to quickly tap into the power of AI. The right generative AI solutions can unlock a world of opportunities for business leaders aiming to increase efficiency, drive productivity, and boost performance. But first, they need to consider where it fits in their organization, which processes will benefit the most, whether to buy or build it, and what it’ll cost. Business leaders ready to embrace AI can consider these five key points. 1. Enhance Job Functions and Operations Generative AI harnesses data, automates processes, and is reshaping the fundamental approach to businesses and job functions. Creating new insights from data lays the groundwork for a range of applications, from optimizing operations to driving innovation and creativity. Every organization has specific datasets that are crucial to its operations. By using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) […]