Steering Digital Transformation: Mindsprint’s Strategic Approach in Economic Headwinds

Steering Digital Transformation: Mindsprint’s Strategic Approach in Economic Headwinds

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Disrupting the Cost Trajectory – Five Ways to Maximise Your Digital Transformation ROI

Disrupting the Cost Trajectory – Five Ways to Maximise Your Digital Transformation ROI

By Kerrick Lehman, BT Regional Director & General Manager, Australia & New Zealand Technology leaders are increasingly asked to achieve more with fewer resources. Coupled with skills shortages, limited budgets, and outdated digital assets, striking this balance has never been more critical. The question is: how can technology leaders realign their resources into high-value projects that deliver more for less? Five ways to drive high-yield results in your digital transformation efforts include: Re-evaluate investments Have the courage to ask the hard questions. It’s easy to cling to past projects simply because of resources already invested, but this can be a costly mistake, and one I regularly encounter. Instead, critically evaluate current projects on how they align with your objectives – an obvious task but so often overlooked. Ask yourself; are these projects still relevant in today’s rapidly changing technological environment? For example, many proof of concepts end up as incomplete solutions in the client organisation. So, there’s a golden chance for quick wins by either terminating projects or pushing them to completion faster if they align with your business objectives. New leaders often reassess ongoing initiatives within their first six months, but you shouldn’t wait. Re-evaluate projects regularly to […]

The role of AI-powered risk management in fraud prevention

The role of AI-powered risk management in fraud prevention

Photo by cottonbro studio: Finance leaders nowadays are often asked with not only the usual queries on handling and managing risks in fraud, but also their strategies on digital transformation and how artificial intelligence can be of help. True enough, the Finance function now is not just about crunching the numbers and making use of data obtained from traditional work, as AI-powered risk management has been deemed a game-changing approach against identity theft and other fraudulent activities. In an article penned by Lina S. , general manager, Client Operations, at data mining and AI analysis solutions ESPY , she discussed AI-Powered Risk Management operates through a sophisticated framework that combines fraud detection techniques with machine learning and real-time analytics. This analyses transaction data and identify potential risks, and by utilising advanced algorithms and anomaly detection methods, organisations can proactively manage threats. "AI-Powered Risk Management offers numerous benefits in fraud prevention, significantly enhancing real-time analytics, identity verification processes, and risk assessment capabilities. These technological advancements not only improve operational efficiency but also foster greater customer trust by effectively mitigating the risk of identity theft and other fraudulent activities." Digital footprinting Digital footprinting is the process of collecting and analysing […]

Newcastle City Council mitigates security risks of unsupported Java

Newcastle City Council mitigates security risks of unsupported Java

Newcastle City Council (NCC) said it has remediated more than 80 percent of its IT vulnerabilities caused by unsupported Java software by implementing Azul . Azul Platform Core , an OpenJDK-based alternative to Oracle Java, addresses critical security vulnerabilities in Java-based applications. It said it has remediated more than 80 percent of the council’s IT vulnerabilities overall, with no disruption to its essential municipal services or impact on performance. NCC provides services to more than 300,000 residents of Newcastle. Critical applications such as financial management, housing and benefits run on Java version 8. But in 2019, Oracle changed how it licensed and priced licensing and support for Java 8 and, as a result, NCC lost access to free quarterly security patches. When NCC security audits began flagging the Java runtime (JDK) as a major concern, the council said it needed commercial support to access security patches for its older versions of Java. It also needed to be able to address the vulnerabilities without disrupting its essential Java-based business applications and systems used daily by approximately 1,100 employees. Full support of Java application estate and critical patch updates NCC explored several options to address the need for more secure Java […]

Maxis partners Singtel to accelerate enterprise digital transformation with Malaysia’s first 5G orchestration platform

Maxis partners Singtel to accelerate enterprise digital transformation with Malaysia’s first 5G orchestration platform

Malaysian telecommunications firm Maxis has partnered with Singapore Telecommunications (Singtel) to introduce Malaysia’s first all-in-one platform for 5G network, edge computing, cloud and services orchestration, built on Singtel’s Paragon for telco networks. The platform will make 5G-Advanced (5G-A) and 5G technology, edge and multi-cloud computing more accessible to Malaysian businesses and accelerate digital transformation across various verticals such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare and public services, the duo said in a statement on Wednesday. The partnership was formalized during the Malaysia Commercialisation Year (MCY) Summit 2024, an event organized by the Malaysia’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to drive the national commercialization ecosystem. Made available in Malaysia through Maxis’ enterprise arm, Maxis Business, the platform will enable ‘on-demand’ edge computing services, providing customers with access to low-latency computing, GPU as a Service (GPUaaS) and storage. With its multi-access edge computing (MEC) capabilities, data from end-users and devices can be processed at the edge. This combined with artificial intelligence (AI) provides real-time processing and intelligent decision-making. It is noted that Paragon offers a powerful marketplace available to both Maxis customers and partners, making it easy for enterprises to create network slices on-demand and deploy mission-critical 5G applications on MEC […]

Digital transformation in the financial sector

Digital transformation in the financial sector

Dr. Kembai Srinivasa Rao Dr Rao is currently teaching risk management in the institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM). A career banker with Bank of Baroda, he held the position of General Man … MORE The banking and financial sector is fast integrating technology to provide efficient financial services through multiple digital channels. The increase in financial and digital literacy is enabling users to explore the digital payment mode and are able to navigate gateways to make payments using debit and credit cards. Digital infrastructure in the financial sector when integrates with digital public infrastructure (DPI), the speed and digital reach multiplies. With the onset of the mission ‘Digital India’ in 2015, India is well poised to reach US $ 1 trillion digital economy by 2027-28. Leveraging DPI could enable speedy financial inclusion. It was possible to issue 1.389 billion Aadhaar national IDs, introduce Digi lockers, and facilitate more than 10 million daily e-KYC transactions. 500 million individuals could access bank accounts, with 55 percent being women and 66 percent residing in rural areas. CoWIN app, roll out of 5G, 6G, internet and its accelerated speed impacted the digitalization of the life of the masses. It enabled over […]

Huawei’s talent development program boosts digital innovation in Middle East and Central Asia

Huawei’s talent development program boosts digital innovation in Middle East and Central Asia

Huawei is hosting the regional finals of its Seeds for the Future program for university students from the Middle East and Central Asia from August 11 to 16 in Uzbekistan Huawei is also transforming education through innovative ICT solutions such as smart campuses and classrooms utilizing IoT, big data AI and cloud computing In a world where digital transformation is no longer a choice but a necessity, the Middle East and Central Asia are poised to become key players in the global digital economy. However, this transition requires technological innovation and a robust talent pipeline capable of driving the transformation. The region faces significant challenges in its digital transformation journey. A 2023 report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the European Training Foundation (ETF) highlighted the urgent need for investment in education and modernizing training systems for youth in the region. The report revealed that the MENA region has the highest youth unemployment rate globally. Read: Huawei advances digital transformation with F5G-A networks To help narrow the digital skills gap, global ICT leader Huawei launched its ICT talent development CSR program – Seeds for the Future – in 2008. Huawei, in collaboration […]

Leveraging supply chain disruptions to accelerate digital transformation

Leveraging supply chain disruptions to accelerate digital transformation

Edmund Zagorin, Founder and CSO, Arkestro This content does not express the views or opinions of Spend Matters. “Never waste a good crisis” is a phrase worth pondering in the realm of digital transformation for supply chains. Historically, major companies neglected supply chain transformation and digital investments until global disruptions, such as the Covid pandemic, forced a change. Previously, efficient performance satisfied stakeholders, with suppliers delivering on time and in full. However, recent crises — from the pandemic to geopolitical upheavals like the Suez Canal blockage and the Ukraine conflict — have exposed the fragility of supply chains built on Just In Time (JIT) principles. These disruptions have highlighted the need for resiliency over sheer efficiency. Amid these challenges, there lies an opportunity: supply chain crises can catalyze buy-in and funding for much-needed transformation initiatives. This article explores critical frameworks that procurement and supply chain teams use to implement transformational projects, ensuring long-term benefits beyond immediate crises. I’ll explore these topics further at our upcoming LinkedIn Live event on Thursday, Aug. 22, at 10:00 AM PST. Why digital procurement transformation stalls: Overcoming key bad practices It’s worth asking why it often takes a crisis to implement transformational change in […]

Why Businesses Must Embrace Digital Tax Compliance Now: The Crucial Shift Toward Real-Time Reporting in a Post-Election Landscape

Why Businesses Must Embrace Digital Tax Compliance Now: The Crucial Shift Toward Real-Time Reporting in a Post-Election Landscape

Business leaders and financial professionals closely monitor general elections, understanding that the outcomes can significantly impact areas ranging from compliance requirements to international trade regulations. Recent elections in the UK, EU, and the U.S. have brought about an atmosphere of uncertainty for international businesses, with potential changes in the tax compliance landscape looming on the horizon. Amidst this volatility, one trend remains constant: the growing adoption of digital tools by governments to monitor economic activity and maximise tax collection in real-time. As the push towards digitalisation intensifies, it has become increasingly urgent for businesses to move away from outdated manual tax processes and embrace digital solutions that ensure global and regional regulatory compliance. The Shift Toward Real-Time Tax Reporting One of the most significant developments in this digital transformation is the shift toward real-time tax reporting. This trend is exemplified by initiatives such as the EU’s VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) and the UK’s "Making Tax Digital" programme, which has been progressively rolled out for various taxes since 2019. These initiatives reflect a broader understanding that governments benefit when they can automatically receive relevant data from business systems rather than relying on businesses to compile and transmit extensive […]

McCourt School tech policy experts train Ukrainian digital transformation leaders

McCourt School tech policy experts train Ukrainian digital transformation leaders

Nearly 30 Ukrainian digital policy leaders participated in a week-long executive education program focused on shaping the digital future. The McCourt School of Public Policy’s Tech & Public Policy (TPP) program partnered with CDTO Campus , an initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, to host “Shaping the Digital Future,” an intensive executive education program for Ukraine’s digital transformation leaders. The week-long initiative, aimed at equipping digital policy leaders with the knowledge and tools to strengthen Ukraine’s tech-driven governance, included lectures from McCourt and Georgetown faculty, in addition to presentations led by senior tech industry experts. Valeriya Ionan (pictured in the middle of the front row), deputy minister for eurointegration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, with program participants at the McCourt School’s new building on Georgetown University’s Capitol Campus. “The partnership between CDTO Campus and the McCourt School of Public Policy represents a significant opportunity, not only to integrate international experience but also to share Ukrainian innovative solutions with the global community. We are grateful for the support and collaboration that makes this possible,” said Valeriya Ionan, deputy minister for eurointegration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Gulsanna Mamediieva , a TPP […]