USEA/Hope Carlin photo The United States Eventing Association (USEA) is proud to announce a new membership category, the “Digital Membership,” which will be available to qualified participants of the Volunteer Incentive Program in 2023. This new membership will serve as a thank you to the loyal volunteers in our sport for their dedication to supporting events around the country throughout the year. The USEA Volunteer Committee submitted a proposal for this new membership category to the USEA Board of Governors for review at their August 2022 meeting. A motion was approved at the August meeting to reward volunteers that log 10 hours or more through with a complimentary digital version of the USEA’s Supporting Membership for the year following their service. Therefore, any volunteer that logged 10 or more hours of service in 2022 receive a Digital Membership at no charge for 2023. Only hours logged in will qualify towards this benefit. “The USEA Volunteer Committee is pleased that the Board has approved this measure. Welcoming volunteers into the USEA as Digital Members not only helps grow our organization and the sport as a whole, but recognizes, in an official membership capacity, the integral role volunteers play […]