The Russian invasion of Ukraine is still far from over, but it is already clear that Ukraine has defended its independence and won the right to become a fully fledged member of the democratic world. This trajectory was further underlined in summer 2022 when Ukraine received official EU candidate nation status. Ukraine’s future prosperity is not just a matter of ending the war and moving toward membership of the European Union, however. Ahead lies the complex reconstruction of the country’s entire economy and national infrastructure. In order for this to succeed, there can be no return to pre-war conditions. Instead, Ukraine has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvent itself as one of the most modern nations on the planet. Thanks to the unprecedented support of Ukraine’s international partners, today’s ambitious visions for a new Ukrainian economy are entirely feasible. This will in all likelihood be a green economy at the cutting edge of the digital revolution. President Zelenskyy had already set Ukraine on the road to a digital future long before the horrors of Russia’s full-scale invasion. In the early days of his presidency in spring 2019, Zelenskyy identified digitalization as a national priority and vowed to create “a country […]
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