Victor Vilchez, wearing a suit on the right, tours the Bendix facility in Avon with his fellow high school students. Prior to the pandemic, Cleveland educational nonprofit Effective Leadership Academy (ELA) served as “the cherry on top” in polishing off student workforce and entrepreneurial development. But after a year of virus-spurred remote learning, ELA’s mission of social and emotional development is no longer seen as a luxury. Instead, it is now deemed by educators as essential, said organization founder and executive director Flo Brett. The nonprofit teams with schools and Northeast Ohio companies to develop a curriculum of leadership, communication and additional “soft skills” needed in the workforce. Ideally, participants will be prepared for job opportunities around STEAM – which is STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with arts included. “What we do as an organization is development self-understanding,” said Brett, whose Warrensville Heights enterprise partners with 230 schools and 120 businesses in Cuyahoga and Lorain counties. “You never know when you will be in that moment when you have an opportunity. If you haven’t got the right mindset or the right tools in your backpack, (that opportunity) will never come through.” Successful people understand the value of self-determination, […]