The cannabis industry – both domestic and international in scope, and comprised of two substantial subsectors: marijuana and hemp – started last year off strong. Namely, with a splash of high-profile M&A activity in January and February. There was tremendous promise for growing the market. There’s room for winners in the cannabis space, but first will come pain. How long the pain will … [+] getty As we entered second quarter of 2022, the hope for a fruitful Q2 faded. By Q3, it was full-fledged retreat, with many of the industry investment conferences refusing to even consider seminar presentations or panels regarding workouts, receiverships or other proactive measures designed to protect or mitigate the poor economic conditions surrounding the industry and many of its operators. There was a concerted effort to “keep it positive” after the industry had been called “recession proof” and designated as an “essential business,” while enjoying record high sales numbers and revenues. Things were good — until reality set in. I have always argued that the cannabis industry is unlike other emerging industries and that analogies and analytical methodologies often miss the mark. Friends and colleagues suggested comparing cannabis to the dot-com boom of the […]