On Thursday, Chaffee County Youth Alliance (CCYA), a community-based prevention program promoting positive youth development, announced its sixth annual mini-grant application for community organizations working with youth across Chaffee County. CCYA plans to distribute a total of $7,500, ranging from $1,000-$2,500 per grant award to support projects and programs focused on positive youth development (PYD) in Chaffee County. Grant applications are now open and may be requested by email by contacting Dibby Olson at dolson@chaffeecounty.org , or accessing the application form at bit.ly/CCYAMinigrant2023 . Grant parameters: Application deadline: 5:00 p.m. MST March 31, 2023 Decision date by committee: April 6, 2023 Award notifications: April 8, 2023 Award expenditure deadline: June 30, 2023 Projects must demonstrate that they are created, designed, and led by youth in Chaffee County End-of-project report required If the grant application is for an existing program, the proposed project/program must demonstrate a component authentically created and led by youth. Organizations that received mini-grants previously can be considered again as long as the proposed project/program meets grant requirements. Grant awards will be equally considered between Buena Vista and Salida. Positive Youth Development is: “an intentional, prosocial approach that engages youth… in a manner that is productive and […]