Efforts Kicked Off Today with Briefings from Turkish and U.S. Ambassadors, AmCham Türkiye and USAID EU Expansion of Merger Control Regime Threatens Harm to Governments, Consumers, and Businesses WASHINGTON D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation today launched private-public coordination efforts to help the areas impacted by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. This includes a corporate aid tracker currently showing pledges from the U.S. business community totaling more than $33.1 million. “At the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, we want to ensure we are focusing the private sector on the right problems to develop high-impact solutions to help survivors," said Marc DeCourcey, Senior Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. “We know that at this phase, cash donations are most helpful to on-the-ground humanitarian efforts, mitigating the unintended consequence of sending unsolicited in-kind goods. This situation is highly dynamic and needs will evolve. We are committed to sharing ongoing information and resources that support the business community’s important role in this response.” To support the earthquake response efforts, the Chamber’s Foundation and U.S.-Türkiye Business Council today united the business community, U.S. and Turkish Ambassadors, USAID, American Chamber of Commerce in Türkiye (AmCham Türkiye), and international non-government organizations […]