Powell and Lagarde missed out on the opportunity to talk up markets towards their monetary policy paths

Powell and Lagarde missed out on the opportunity to talk up markets towards their monetary policy paths

Markets It didn’t quite turn out how we expected it to be. Especially on bond markets. Fed Chair Powell and ECB Lagarde missed out on the opportunity to talk up markets towards their envisioned monetary policy paths . In case of the US, we follow some of Powell’s “caution” given the absolute level of the policy rate and the fact that core inflation starts showing signs of coming down. Nevertheless, market pricing still doesn’t stroke with Fed intentions to deliver multiple rate increases (2 times 25 bps as envisioned in December dot plots). In case of Europe, we are totally flabbergasted by the bond rally seen yesterday , even as ECB Lagarde during the Q&A initially reluctantly, but later on more decisively, pushed back against the notion of hitting a potential peak rate (soon) after March and against the idea of cutting back rates soon after. EMU core inflation is still rising and the ECB wants to be absolutely sure that inflation is back at 2% – “not just for weeks or even months” – before reversing the current course. Our longer term view remains bearish on especially European bonds , but we acknowledge that short term momentum could […]

Teacher Retirement System of Texas Purchases 42,074 Shares of Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. (NASDAQ:ROIC)

Teacher Retirement System of Texas Purchases 42,074 Shares of Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. (NASDAQ:ROIC)

Retail Opportunity Investments A number of research analysts have recently commented on ROIC shares. TheStreet downgraded shares of Retail Opportunity Investments from a "b-" rating to a "c+" rating in a research report on Tuesday, October 25th. Raymond James downgraded shares of Retail Opportunity Investments from an "outperform" rating to a "market perform" rating in a report on Wednesday, January 4th. BTIG Research downgraded shares of Retail Opportunity Investments from a "buy" rating to a "neutral" rating in a report on Wednesday, January 11th. Finally, assumed coverage on shares of Retail Opportunity Investments in a report on Wednesday, October 12th. They set a "hold" rating for the company. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating and five have assigned a hold rating to the company. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, Retail Opportunity Investments currently has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus price target of $17.00.

Is There Now An Opportunity In Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (NASDAQ:HSII)?

Is There Now An Opportunity In Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (NASDAQ:HSII)?

Source: Shutterstock Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. ( NASDAQ:HSII ), might not be a large cap stock, but it received a lot of attention from a substantial price increase on the NASDAQGS over the last few months. As a small cap stock, which tends to lack high analyst coverage, there is generally more of an opportunity for mispricing as there is less activity to push the stock closer to fair value. Is there still an opportunity here to buy? Let’s examine Heidrick & Struggles International’s valuation and outlook in more detail to determine if there’s still a bargain opportunity. What’s The Opportunity In Heidrick & Struggles International? The stock seems fairly valued at the moment according to my valuation model. It’s trading around 11% below my intrinsic value, which means if you buy Heidrick & Struggles International today, you’d be paying a reasonable price for it. And if you believe that the stock is really worth $36.91, then there isn’t much room for the share price grow beyond what it’s currently trading. What’s more, Heidrick & Struggles International’s share price may be more stable over time (relative to the market), as indicated by its low beta. Can we expect […]

Improving Digital Transformation By Deploying Technology The Right Way

Improving Digital Transformation By Deploying Technology The Right Way

getty “Rollout” is a term that is often used to describe the process of introducing new technology into the workplace. The human resources department will roll out a new employee rewards platform, or the sales department will roll out a new CRM platform. When this happens, affected employees will typically get an email with a link, a temporary password and a deadline by which they must log on. It’s interesting to note that “rollout” is an aeronautical term that refers to the slowdown process a plane experiences after landing, resulting in a state of rest on the runway. That definition of the rollout is not what organizations shoot for when they roll out new technology, though it is often what they achieve. Rather than building excitement, gaining momentum and getting a new tech tool off the ground, rollouts often result in confusion, frustration and an overall lack of engagement. The problem with technology rollouts—which play a big role in the overall success of an organization’s digital transformation process—is that they are not people-first. In fact, too many digital transformation initiatives are tech-first, people-second. They focus on the tool and what it can do rather than on the value it […]

How Digital Transformation is Driving Retail Customer Experience

How Digital Transformation is Driving Retail Customer Experience

Digital transformation is the strategic adoption of various digital technologies, used for improving processes, productivity, enhancing customer care, improving employee experience, managing business risks and helping control costs. It is used to represent various tools, solutions and processes for developing customized, effective digital strategies for different organizations, and is essential for an organization to stay competitive in the modern business landscape. Digital transformation in retail can include a range of business opportunities that can focus on multiple technologies and strategies. It refers to the creation of new and innovative business models that can take advantage of the digital technologies to pursue new and improved revenue streams and new business models. Some Digital Transformation Stats A report suggests that 63% of retailers expect to spend more on business intelligence and data analytics and 35% on artificial intelligence. A study has found that 70.7% of retailers agree on digital transformation being an essential part of retail strategy. The Covid-19 pandemic sped up the digital transformation efforts by 97% . Photo by Luis Benito on Unsplash Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Customer Experience Consumers have more choices today than ever before, increasing the stakes for businesses to deliver innovative products and […]

Why digital transformation and non-financial reporting go hand in hand

Why digital transformation and non-financial reporting go hand in hand

The Big Picture Crowdsource Innovation Digital transformation is often inspired by a broader purpose that goes beyond an organization’s immediate commercial success. In the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) world, customers increasingly cite ESG as part of the criteria for selecting vendors. "New IT", which includes innovations such as edge computing, can make ESG more effective and efficient, while ESG goals can be embedded in New IT now as it develops. Digital transformation and ESG are two prominent and high-priority topics in the business community globally. The first focuses on applying technology throughout the value chain to produce faster, smarter and more desirable business outcomes. The latter emphasizes the broader value a business is expected to create for its stakeholders from an environmental, social and governance perspective. These two goals can – and should – go hand-in-hand in today’s stakeholder economy. Have you read? To start, digital transformation is often inspired by a broader purpose that goes beyond an organization’s immediate commercial success. This is particularly true for the tech industry because of its power to bring profound and breakthrough changes to the way people live, work and play. It has perhaps been most evident and relevant during the […]

The Next Impact Talks Presents: Digital Transformation: Closing the Digital Gap in Higher Education

The Next Impact Talks Presents: Digital Transformation: Closing the Digital Gap in Higher Education

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted many facets of higher education, including the rapid adoption of digital technologies and the shift in expectations around a more personalized and accessible student experience. In the face of unprecedented challenges, colleges and universities are being called upon to rethink the traditional way of doing business, and to implement new practices that align with today’s technology-enabled and technology-driven world. Digital transformation is "a series of deep and coordinated culture, workforce, and technology shifts that enable new educational and operating models and transform an institution’s operations, strategic directions, and value proposition" [ Educause ]. With increased digital capabilities comes a more engaging learning environment, greater opportunities for advancing academic research, better student experiences and outcomes, and a more agile organization poised to adapt and thrive during challenging times. Seton Hall University’s digital transformation began long before the pandemic with the launch of one of the first mobile computing programs in the U.S. in 1997. Since then, Seton Hall continues to be recognized as a leader in the use of cutting-edge technology to support research and education. The consumerization of information technology has changed the way that students want to learn, and faculty want to teach. […]

Achieve Data Mastery Before Tackling A Digital Transformation

Achieve Data Mastery Before Tackling A Digital Transformation

Matt Elenjickal, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of FourKites FourKites Matt Elenjickal, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of FourKites, has pointed out that “data is the raw fuel of a digital transformation.” But it must be quality data! “Just as any chef will tell you that anything less than the best quality ingredients can render a dish inedible, so too, bad data can turn any data-driven IT effort sour.” When enterprise implementations take longer than expected, almost all do, the amount of time needed to clean up the data is often the leading factor. When the performance of enterprise systems becomes degraded, it is often because the parameters used in the systems are no longer accurate. This is also a data issue. Master data management (MDM) as a critical performance driver for the enterprise. What is Master Data Management? Master data management is the discipline in ensuring data is accurate, accessible, and up to date. Unfortunately, for many departments, the necessary data to operate effectively comes from across the enterprise, it is not generated inside that department. APQC and the Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) have conducted best practice and benchmarking research on MDM. APQC is a […]

Microsoft and DXC Technology Join Forces to Boost Digital Transformation in Italy

Microsoft and DXC Technology Join Forces to Boost Digital Transformation in Italy

DXC joins Ambition Italy Cloud Region Partner Alliance Leveraging its skills in IT infrastructure, DXC to further its support of Italian companies and Public Sector organizations in their migration to Microsoft Cloud DXC and Microsoft will launch a joint strategy and business plan to support Italian businesses and public sector organizations using cloud-based services to support growth. With its expertise in IT infrastructure design and strong knowledge of local markets, DXC Italy will help more customers with cost optimization and efficiency as part of their digital transformation journeys. "Today, the ability to create an ecosystem of valuable players, combining know-how and skills, is essential to business growth. Having key partners such as Microsoft by our side allows us to offer solutions that meet the needs of a highly dynamic and challenging market”, said Eugenio Maria Bonomi, Managing Director, DXC Technology Italy. “We are pleased to extend our 30-year relationship with Microsoft, working together to make an important contribution to the National Recovery and Resilience plan (PNRR)". With greater synergy between DXC data centers and Microsoft Azure public cloud, the two companies can begin to implement hybrid cloud solutions. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will also help underpin the collaboration, […]

Digital transformation key to advancing auto supply chains

Digital transformation key to advancing auto supply chains

Patrick van Hull explores the opportunity for supply chains to turn data into insights that inform decision-making A universal solution cannot solve all of today’s global supply chain shortages. The circumstances are so complex that even seemingly minor disruptions can create a domino effect of volatility in supply and demand. Anyone reading the news will see numerous causes of supply chain disturbances, from global politics to unpredictable weather events. Disruption is an all-too-common occurrence, leaving supply chain leaders in a difficult position to understand and overcome the effects on their supply chains. This problem quickly grew in the automotive industry due to the increased need for semiconductor chips caused by automotive digitisation. Inflation and economic instability also cause volatility in the automotive business, as do growing transportation costs, trade disputes, outmoded production facilities, and environmental and regulatory issues. Furthermore, customer behaviour is evolving with electrification, alternative purchasing channels, and the possibility of subscription-based services. Nearshoring practices have grown due to the supply chain delays caused by the pandemic These difficulties seldom happen in isolation. And given the persistent climate crisis and increased geopolitical tension, the situation will likely worsen before it gets better for the automotive industry. The challenges […]