London digital transformation specialist appoints Leeds agency

London digital transformation specialist appoints Leeds agency

Leeds-based performance-led marketing communications agency, Source has joined forces with digital transformation specialists Stridon, to drive forward its digital marketing strategy. The London-based business, which enables professional services firms to accelerate business performance through people and technology, has turned to Source to build its brand awareness, increase online visibility and communicate its technical and strategic expertise. Source will deliver a full range of services ranging from PR to paid social media, to enable Stridon to reach its target audience of IT professionals operating across sectors such as law and property through to financial services and accountancy. Stridon is at the forefront of helping professional services firms to harness the potential of technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, and its marketing strategy will focus on promoting its capability to develop and support digital transformation and organisational change. Anna Macleod, chief operating officer at Stridon said: “We’re at the start of a very exciting growth phase for Stridon and so it’s perfect timing to bring the team at Source on board and capitalise on their experience, expertise and proven track-record in delivering results for clients. We’re a business that is focused on team collaboration and forging strong client relationships to deliver […]

Why digital procurement transformation fails (and what to do instead)

Why digital procurement transformation fails (and what to do instead)

The digital revolution is transforming every aspect of business, and procurement is no exception. Organisations are increasingly embracing digital procurement and vendor management solutions to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and gain valuable insights into their supply chains. However, despite the potential benefits, a significant number of digital transformation initiatives in procurement fall short of expectations. So, what separates successful digital procurement transformations from those that falter? The answer lies in a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond simply choosing the right technology. The 5 components of change management Imagine the digital transformation process as a complex equation (like the Lippitt Model). Within this equation, five key components play a vital role: Vision, Skills, Incentives, Resources, and an Action Plan. managing complex change Vision A clear and compelling vision is the cornerstone of any transformation effort. It guides the direction and provides a sense of purpose for all stakeholders involved. Without a vision, confusion is inevitable as team members struggle to understand the goals and benefits of the transformation. Examples of a Digital Procurement vision: Democratise procurement: Enable decentralised decision making while maintaining oversight and governance. Build vendor relationships: Foster strong, collaborative relationships with vendors to ensure mutual benefits and long-term […]

Digital Transformation Leader, Dr. Nick Patel, Joins Pivot Point Consulting as a Physician Executive Partner

Digital Transformation Leader, Dr. Nick Patel, Joins Pivot Point Consulting as a Physician Executive Partner

This partnership enables Pivot Point Consulting to bring unique value to their consulting relationships with a game-changing addition of experienced clinicians. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Pivot Point Consulting , a Vaco Holdings company and #1 Best in KLAS: Managed IT Services firm, announced today that Dr. Nick Patel will join as a Physician Executive Partner. In this role, Patel brings his "patient-first" mindset to Pivot Point’s Management Consulting services with a focus on digital transformation across health systems, academic medical centers, medical groups and the healthcare technology sector. "This partnership enables us to continue to enhance the client experience and add unique value to our consulting relationships – bringing a game changing mix of clinicians and non-clinicians to our consulting. The peer-to-peer trust a top-notch clinician like Patel brings to our client relationships means greater empathy with providers and their patients," said Rachel Marano, President & Founder of Pivot Point Consulting. "The success of any transformation – no matter the size – is directly dependent upon understanding impact from the clinical and business perspective. Patel brings a proven track record of bridging business and clinical." Patel practiced medicine for 20 years and has held various executive […]

Avoiding legal and regulatory pitfalls in digital transformation projects

Avoiding legal and regulatory pitfalls in digital transformation projects

September 2024 | SPECIAL REPORT: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Financier Worldwide Magazine September 2024 Issue Digital transformation projects are prevalent across the globe. According to Statista, worldwide spending on digital transformation technologies and services is projected to reach $2.49 trillion in 2024 and $3.9 trillion by 2027. Most companies are replacing legacy systems and have embraced cloud technologies. The use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) solutions, while not as widespread presently, is rising rapidly. We are seeing numerous cutting-edge transactions involving digital transformation. These projects bring enormous benefits to companies, including improved staff and customer satisfaction, increased operational efficiency, the ability to aggregate and analyse data, and the development of new products and services. At the same time, we have seen an assortment of legal and regulatory issues that frequently arise in these projects. These may range from minor issues that can be settled over a phone call to high-priority matters that can prevent a project from getting off the ground or delivery being disrupted or delayed. In this article, we consider some of the pitfalls that lie in wait for the unwary. Data Digital transformation projects will involve the use of data in some form. Vendors that are engaged to […]

NGC Completes Successful 2nd Stage Solid Rocket Motor Static Test Powered by Digital Transformation

NGC Completes Successful 2nd Stage Solid Rocket Motor Static Test Powered by Digital Transformation

Northrop Grumman Corporation’s (NYSE: NOC) digitally designed and manufactured large solid rocket motor successfully completed a static fire test at U.S. Air Force Arnold Engineering Development Complex. All test objectives were met during the event with performance data anchoring the digital model, confirming the motor’s performance and demonstrating the company’s ability to successfully build to design requirements using a digital environment. In addition to advanced model-based systems engineering (MBSE) used to design the high-performance second stage motor, a digital environment was also applied to the facilities and tools to manufacture the propulsion system. MBSE enables teams to extract data that enhances manufacturing processes and design evaluation, improves response to market demands, accelerates the implementation of process improvements and augments the company’s production capabilities. Expert : Jim Kalberer, vice president, propulsion systems: “We are using digital solutions across our business to produce solid rocket motors with speed, which is transforming how we design, test and manufacture the next generation of systems. The company’s propulsion business uses this level of engineering to deploy an advanced approach for newly developed rocket motors that are pushing model-based tools further than ever before.” Details: The test event was the company’s second successful static firing […]

How Strategic IT Investments, Innovation Foster Growth in the Finance Industry

How Strategic IT Investments, Innovation Foster Growth in the Finance Industry

A trading graphic is superimposed on the image of a young man using a tablet. (Image credit: Getty Images) By Jabin Geevarghese George published 9 August 2024 in Features Technology plays a crucial role in driving business success in the finance industry. Conventional methods of allocating IT funds, which mainly revolve around upkeep and small-scale enhancements, are no longer adequate. Financial services firms need to embrace the latest technologies to achieve better business outcomes. This article explores how strategic IT investment, enterprise architecture innovation and advanced technologies such as AI can bring about transformative growth in the financial sector. Reprioritizing IT investments Banking and financial organizations must move beyond conservative IT spending focused on maintaining legacy systems to achieve significant business advantages. The key is to shift investments toward innovative technologies with high ROI, requiring a transformation mindset rather than a traditional one. This requires rethinking how IT and business strategies are aligned and executed. Subscribe to Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Be a smarter, better informed investor. Save up to 74% Sign up for Kiplinger’s Free E-Newsletters Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and more – straight to your e-mail. Sign […]

The Synergy of Digital Transformation: Navigating AI, Cloud, and Industry 4.0

The Synergy of Digital Transformation: Navigating AI, Cloud, and Industry 4.0

“The future isn’t digital. The present is.” From boardrooms to coffee shops, everyone’s talking about how Digital Transformation has changed the world we live in. Think about it. A decade ago, hailing a ride meant waving at passing taxis. Today, a few taps on your phone brings a car to ayour doorstep. That’s not evolution. It’s revolution. This digital wave has radically altered our work lives too. The 9-to-5 office job is becoming a relic. Now, work happens anywhere, anytime. Virtual meetings connect global teams instantly. AI assistants handle routine tasks, freeing humans for creative thinking. Cloud computing lets us access vast resources on demand. AI enhances productivity through smart automation. Cloud services offer unmatched scalability. Industry 4.0 technologies transform Manufacturing with real-time monitoring and advanced analytics. These aren’t just buzzwords. They’re the building blocks of a new business landscape. As businesses race to keep pace with this digital revolution, they face both exciting opportunities and daunting challenges. Understanding the key trends shaping this landscape is crucial for navigating the path ahead. Key Trends and Challenges in Digital Transformation The Rise of Artificial Intelligence AI is revolutionizing industries, boosting efficiency and sparking innovation. Its importance is clear: Zinnov’s 2023 […]

Changing Mindsets for Innovation and Digital Transformation

Changing Mindsets for Innovation and Digital Transformation

Caribbean News Distinguished as salient drivers of sustainable digital transformation, 60 policy makers and leaders have just concluded a two-day workshop towards Changing Mindsets for Innovation and Digital Transformation in Saint Lucia. The workshop was organized through a collaborative effort involving United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA); Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Caribbean Centre for Public Administration (CARICAD) and the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office for Barbados & the Eastern Caribbean (UN RCO). Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like Saint Lucia, have been persistently lagging other comparable economies in the developing world on the path to sustainable development, due to compounding crises such as natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. Promoting innovation and digital transformation can potentially help to ‘build back better’ by delivering services in a more effective and inclusive way, particularly to underserved, rural, physically disconnected, and otherwise marginalized segments of society. However, the public sector appears to encounter a capacity challenge in delivering change and transformation, with challenges being experienced in relation to mindsets, capacity, processes, and right skillsets. ​Implementing ​effective, accountable, and inclusive governance and institutions​, and pursuing​ opportunities for innovation and digital transformation, including digital services, ​could […]

Digital Transformation Updates at Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon

Digital Transformation Updates at Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon

(Vitanovski/Adobe Stock) The U.S. Army recently provided the following definition for "digital engineering," in the article "A Matter of Course," that explains how the Army is developing a new digital engineering course. Here’s how the Army describes digital engineering: "Digital engineering is the process of digitally designing military equipment, such as future combat vehicles or other military hardware, to be designed and built in a virtual environment where it can be tested, analyzed and can engage with Soldiers before a single piece of iron is bent to build the prototype. While digital engineering has become the norm in many commercial manufacturing settings, it is still a relatively new concept to the Army, and this knowledge gap has created a need for professional education inside the force." On the second episode of Season 4, we highlight some of the digital transformation and new digital technologies and capabilities being developed and adopted by three of the largest aerospace and defense manufacturers in the world, including Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon. The chief executives from each of these industry giants highlight how they’re using digital design tools, developing new digital capabilities and adopting artificial intelligence (AI) during their respective second quarter […]

SMB confidence booms as digital transformation projects gather pace

SMB confidence booms as digital transformation projects gather pace

(Image credit: Getty Images) SMBs in the UK are feeling confident about their business over the next 12 months, and see digital transformation as vital for growth. Research by fintech firm SumUp finds that 18% of small businesses have already invested in digital transformation initiatives to support and grow their business. Three-in-ten said that investing in digital transformation and technology is very important to their business, with examples including purchasing on-the-go card machines, modernizing IT infrastructure , or improving customer accessibility by opening an e-commerce store. Meanwhile, 41% said that digital transformation is moderately important, and that while they may not feel the need to invest in the technology right now, they do believe they will do so in the near future. LATEST VIDEOS FROM itpro One-in-seven said that digital transformation holds slight importance, and that it will be addressed only after more urgent challenges are handled; and only 14% said they didn’t think investing in digital transformation was important to support their business growth. In terms of general confidence, business owners and decision makers say they’re optimistic about the next 12 months, especially as the UK exits the technical recession it entered in 2023. Over a third said […]