AI in BPM - PEX Network

AI in BPM – PEX Network

ADVERTISE WITH US Reach Process Excellence professionals through cost-effective marketing opportunities to deliver your message, position yourself as a thought leader, and introduce new products, techniques and strategies to the market. Advertise Now JOIN THE Process Excellence Network COMMUNITY Join Process Excellence Network today and interact with a vibrant network of professionals, keeping up to date with the industry by accessing our wealth of articles, videos, live conferences and more. Learn more

5 Key Strategies for Digital Transformation Success: A Codestone Guide for Business Leaders

5 Key Strategies for Digital Transformation Success: A Codestone Guide for Business Leaders

5 Key Strategies for Digital Transformation Success: A Codestone Guide for Business Leaders Digital transformation is no longer optional – it’s essential for organisations aiming to stay competitive and relevant. As the trusted European innovator of business technology services, Codestone understands the challenges and opportunities that come with digital transformation. This guide explores five key strategies that leaders across industries in the UK and EMEA North can use to drive successful digital transformation initiatives in 2024 and beyond. Foster a Culture of Innovation and Adaptability Embrace Change as an Opportunity In the world of digital transformation, resistance to change can be your biggest hurdle. As leaders, it’s vital to create a culture that not only accepts change but sees it as a chance for growth and innovation. Key actions: Set the example: Show your own readiness to adapt and learn new technologies Encourage smart risk-taking and reward innovative thinking Apply agile methods across departments, not just in IT Invest in Ongoing Learning and Skill Development The digital landscape is always changing, and your team’s skills should too. Make continuous learning and upskilling a priority to keep your workforce adaptable and competitive. Key actions: Team up with educational institutions and […]

Kazakhstan presents innovative GovTech solutions for digital transformation in social protection

Kazakhstan presents innovative GovTech solutions for digital transformation in social protection

a group of people sitting in front of a crowd Today, at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation, Kazakhstan presented its innovative GovTech solutions. The centerpiece of these solutions is the “Digital Family Card” designed to ensure equal access for Kazakh citizens to state support in the social sector. One of the primary goals of the project is to serve as a signal source for identifying the prerequisites or onset of social risks that lead to difficult life situations, thereby becoming a predictive tool for the state’s social obligations. a person in a blue shirt “Today, we gather at a crucial juncture in the digital transformation of Asia and the Pacific. Kazakhstan has emerged as a leader in pioneering digital solutions that resonate not only within the country but already recognized far beyond its borders. The Digital Family Card, developed with the support of UNDP, stands as an example of how digital tools can transform social protection payment system, ensuring that benefits are delivered with efficiency and transparency to those who need them most”, – said Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and Under-Secretary-General of […]

ASDP Successfully Achieves Positive Performance Through Ferizy Digital Transformation

ASDP Successfully Achieves Positive Performance Through Ferizy Digital Transformation

Ferizy’s digital transformation has succeeded in improving ASDP’s performance. (Special) JAKARTA – PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) recorded positive business performance through the digital transformation of Ferizy which was implemented in sea transform services in the last five years. ASDP Corporate Secretary, Shelvy Arifin said Through the launch of the Ferizy application in 2020 by SOE Minister Erick Thohir, Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, people are now easier to order tickets online, which are immediately welcomed and effective in reducing long queues at ports. Shelvy said that this digital transformation reflects the commitment of SOE Minister Erick Thohir in encouraging digitization in all SOEs, including ASDP. The implementation of this online reservation system also has a positive impact on operations at the port. Field data shows that the flow of arrival of service users is more regular, especially during golden time, thanks to the certainty of the ship’s schedule," he said in an official statement, Sunday, September 8. According to Shelvy, the previous check-in transaction time which took 8 to 10 minutes has now been cut to only 15 to 25 seconds. In addition, the maximum waiting time at […]

Unleashing innovation: Embracing digital transformation in education in Indonesia

Unleashing innovation: Embracing digital transformation in education in Indonesia

©Merdeka Belajar Within the framework of the UNESCO-UNICEF Gateways to Public Digital Learning Initiative, the third Gateways Dialogue will showcase how Indonesia is harnessing the power of technology and leveraging various digital platforms to enhance the equity and quality of education. Under the theme “Unleashing Innovation: Embracing Digital Transformation in Education”, the discussion will illustrate the role digital learning platforms have played in Indonesia’s educational transformation and how these platforms are utilized at the level of schools and classrooms. The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology will share best practices and innovative strategies. Speakers: Dr Iwan Syahril, Director General of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology, Indonesia Ruth Ayu Hapsari, K12 Platform Manager, Ministry of Education Culture Research and Technology, Indonesia Indonesia, a large and diverse archipelago with over 250 million people, 1,300 ethnic groups, 700 spoken languages, and 17,000 islands, faces complex educational challenges. In 2018, 70% of 15-year-old students performed below the minimum competency level in literacy and numeracy. Improving this figure requires strengthening an immense education system composed of 50+ million students, 3+ million teachers, and more than 400,000 schools spread across 5,200 km from East to […]

Digital Transformation Vision: From Process Mining, RPA, LCAP to Cutting-Edge Gen AI - Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Digital Transformation Vision: From Process Mining, RPA, LCAP to Cutting-Edge Gen AI – Digital Transformation Blogs – Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

SOLUTIONS APPrise Digital Assisted Selling Platform(DASP) Data Accel Digital Content Broker Solution(MCaaS) Integrated Security as a Services(iSaaS) Location Mobile Personalization(LO-MO-ME) MIDAS Personalized Product Recommendations(PnR) Technology Focus Big Data Cloud Computing Data Science DevOps Internet of Things (IoT) Mobility Solution SDN – NFV Services Agile Infrastructure Data Management Digital Transformation Services Managed Infrastructure & Security Services Product Engineering Services IT Security Services Web Technologies INDUSTRIES Automotive Banking Consumer packaged Goods E-Commerce Education Publishing Manufacturing Retail Travel & Hospitality ABOUT Leadership Team Alliances Awards and Accolades Investors Culture News & Events Press Releases In the News Events RESOURCE CENTER Audio video podcasts White papers Brochures Articles Case studies Insights Infographics Newsletter ABOUT HAPPIEST MINDS Happiest Minds enables Digital Transformation for enterprises and technology providers by delivering seamless customer experience, business efficiency and actionable insights through an integrated set of disruptive technologies: big data analytics, internet of things, mobility, cloud, security, unified communications, etc… Read more

Clorox ERP Integration To Bolster Data Visibility, Expedite Innovation

Clorox ERP Integration To Bolster Data Visibility, Expedite Innovation

Clorox ’s digital transformation is underway with an expected ERP integration happening in the U.S. segment over the next 18 months. The company has been bolstering its technology stack and digital capabilities following a cyber breach that caused stalled distribution and lost consumers. What has totaled a $580 million investment will lead to both tech upgrades and changes in the company’s operating model so that no one at Clorox “does work the way that they did in the past,” according to CEO Linda Rendle during the recent Barclays conference. “If you are managing orders and processing orders, if you are in logistics and figuring out how we get products from point A to point B, if you’re in financial reporting and controls, if you’re in innovation and marketing, we are giving you a set of technology and tools to do your work in a more efficient and effective manner,” she said. Advertisement – article continues below Advertisement Introducing New Efficiencies The impact will be faster innovation cycles with lowered costs to more quickly and efficiently meet consumer demands, along with more end-to-end data visibility and decision-making capabilities from new digital tools. “It’s one of the ways that we’ve been […]

How a ‘Digital Village’ Shaped Intel Community’s IT Vision

How a ‘Digital Village’ Shaped Intel Community’s IT Vision

The Intelligence Community achieved a significant milestone in its digital transformation journey with the May release of the Vision for the IC Information Environment . This comprehensive document lays out specific goals to guide the community toward information technology excellence, and according to IC Chief Information Officer Adele Merritt , it took a “digital village” to make it happen. Learn about the IC’s efforts to revolutionize its IT capabilities at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 Intel Summit on Sept. 19, where government and industry leaders will come together to tackle the IC’s top challenges and priorities. To learn more and register for the event , click here . “We [designed it] in a very collaborative way because we recognized that we couldn’t write a roadmap and dictate to everybody where they needed to go,” Merritt said during a webinar hosted by the Intelligence & National Security Alliance in August. Table of Contents IC Turns to Industry Partners Learn More About Intel Community’s IT Transformation IC Turns to Industry Partners To create the document, the IC reached beyond its 18 components and extended a hand to the private sector, which the organization’s IT leadership recognized for its long history as […]

Accelerating Digital Transformation: The Power of AI in Modernising Businesses

Accelerating Digital Transformation: The Power of AI in Modernising Businesses

The Era of AI-Driven Innovation Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just an enabler but a catalyst for digital transformation. By integrating AI into their core strategies, companies across various industries are achieving unprecedented efficiencies, enhanced customer experiences, and new avenues for growth. MakeSense, with its specialised AI and data services, is at the forefront of this transformation, helping businesses harness the power of AI to not only compete but lead in their markets. Understanding AI-Fueled Transformations AI-fueled digital transformation involves integrating AI technologies into various business processes to improve decision-making, automate operations, and personalise customer interactions. This transformation goes beyond simple automation to create intelligent systems that can learn from data, predict outcomes, and make informed decisions in real-time. Strategic Implementation of AI by MakeSense MakeSense excels in developing and deploying AI solutions tailored to specific business needs. Whether it’s optimising supply chains through predictive analytics, enhancing customer service with natural language processing tools, or improving product design with AI-driven simulations, MakeSense delivers measurable results. Their approach ensures that AI implementations are strategic, aligned with business goals, and capable of providing a competitive edge. Sector-Specific Impact and Innovations The impact of AI is evident across multiple sectors. In retail, […]